Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Media Violence and Aggressive Behavior - 1277 Words

Media Violence and Aggressive Behavior Monica Suzanne B. Castro #21856730 Submitted for SSC130BB: Essentials of Psychology January 25, 2014 Research project #05020500 Media Violence and Aggressive Behavior Introduction In the early 1960s Albert Bandura conducted his famous â€Å"Bobo Doll† experiments, in which children were shown videos of someone attacking a plastic clown known as a Bobo doll (Isom, 1998). Many of the children exposed to these videos later imitated the same violence they had seen demonstrated in the video and continued to reproduce that violent behavior even months later (Isom, 1998). These results led Bandura and others to conclude that the children had learned the†¦show more content†¦If there is a large amount of violence in the media, it is only because it is a reflection of the society in which we are currently living. Society dictates that path that media will travel, rarely is it the other way around. Therefore, if children are, in fact, being influenced by the images they view in the media it is merely as an extension of the effect society has had on the media. This can best be illustrated by the preponderance of reality television shows in the media. The se shows purport to show real people engaging in their everyday lives. If that is true, then any violence they demonstrate is part of their normal routine, even in the absence of other media. These shows often depict aggressive behavior and show people lashing out physically at others. The huge ratings these shows pull in further indicate that, rather than ostracizing such behavior, society has begun to accept it. Many will make the counter argument that it is the rise of media that has inevitably led to this increase in violent behavior throughout society. Such an argument completely ignores the fact that there has been violence in the media from its inception. After all this time it stands to reason that there would be a much larger amount of violent and aggressive individuals in the world than currently exist. This is most likely explained by the fact that studies have show that over the long termShow MoreRelatedMedia Violence And Aggressive Behavior986 Words   |  4 Pagesof t he technology, children easy access to the variety of these different media forms, many of which have high levels of violent content. Nowadays, just by clicking on the screen, children observe tons of news regarding to murders, beatings and sexual assaults. Eron and his colleagues conducted the research show that before finishing the elementary school, the child would have witnessed 8000 murders (Eron, 1993). Other media such as movies, video game, the Internet seems to be effective methods ofRead More Television and Media Violence - Is Aggressive Behavior Linked to TV Violence?3420 Words   |  14 PagesIs Aggressive Behavior Linked to Television Violence?      Ã‚   According the Centerwall (1992), the average child aged 2-5 in 1990 watched 27 hours of television per day, or almost 4 hours per day. When much of what is on television, including cartoons and television shows targeted at children, contains violence, it becomes important to know whether watching televised violence can lead to or increase aggressive behavior. Social learning theory tells us that children model theirRead MoreHow Media Violence Related to Aggressive and Violent Behavior672 Words   |  3 Pagesclearly demonstrated that exposure to media violence does have a significant influence on violent and aggressive behavior. This is particularly the case amongst children where fictional media violence has been linked to increased aggression both in the short-term and in the long-term. This text highlights the extent to which media violence is related to violent/aggressive behavior. To What Extent is Media Violence Related to Aggressive and Violent Behavior? As I have already pointed out aboveRead MoreTo What Extent Is Media Violence Related to Aggressive and Violent Behavior?694 Words   |  3 PagesViolence is described in Webster’s dictionary as physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing. Violence on TV has been steadily increasing for the past few years. It’s not very often that you will find a TV show in prime time that doesn’t involve some type of violence. According to Hollywood sex and violence sells. The problem with this is that violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs. As adultsRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System: Media Violence and Social Justice724 Words   |  3 Pagesadults who are exposed to the media are aggressive and violent. According to such articles, violent content provokes aggressive behavior and violence. Ferguson illustrates that watching satanic content, like in Harry Potter, or teaching of witchcraft can lead to Satanism or mental illness. According to Ferguson (2008), books, rock, jazz, television and watching movies in the media, leads to a wave of moral degradation, rebelliousness and violence. They also clam that new media like internet and video gamesRead MoreEssay about The Media And Violence979 Words   |  4 Pages The debate regarding the medias relationship to violence in society has been a hot issue for most of the past century. From the beginning of the wide use of mass media, from films to radio to television, researchers have tried to explain any association or correlation between media effects and violence. Of particular interest and concern has been the issue of violence in the media and the impact that this has on children. Although important research efforts have increased our understanding ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Violent Media On Aggressive Behavior1590 Words   |  7 Pagesviolent media and aggressive behaviors in individuals. This paper represents an effort to provide a source for individuals who are interested to gain information on the effect of violent media on aggressive behaviors. Most of the peer-reviewed and scholary articles used in this paper provided conclusions that violent media have multiply harmful affects on individuals especially children. Krahà © and Mà ¶ller (2011) discussed the relationship between usage of violent media and aggressive behaviors in adolescentsRead MoreMedia Violence And Crime Violence1168 Words   |  5 PagesMedia Violence and Crimes There are few debates that have been contentious for so long as the debate of whether violent medias contribute meaningfully to crimes. Because of the majority of shooting events committed by younger shooters, many politicians regard cultural effects as a potential contributing factor, while others dismiss media as a contributing factor. Within the social science community, a similar division exists (Ferguson, 2015). For example, some professional supporting groups, likeRead MoreMedia Violence And Its Effects1057 Words   |  5 Pages Media violence exposure has been investigated as a risk factor for aggression behavior for years. The impact of exposure to violence in the media the long term development and short term development of aggressive behavior has been documented. Aggression is caused by several factors, of which media violence is one. Research investigating the effects of media violence in conjunction with other predictors of aggression such as; environmental factors and dysfunction within the family household,Read MoreThe Effects Of Violent Media On Children And Youth990 Words   |  4 PagesEssentially since media is more violent than ever, and children and youth are getting more attracted to violent media. Studies on violent media shows a clear evidence that violence on media rises the possibility of aggressive behaviors in both short-term and long-term situations (Rowell Huesmann, Moise, Podolski, Eron, 2003). Most researchers agree that aggressive behaviors are more disposed to the harmful imp act of violence on media. The negative effect is much larger for younger children because

Monday, December 16, 2019

List of the Current Legislation and Codes of Practice Relating to Equality Free Essays

Legislation Purpose Disability Discrimination Act 1995Protects the rights of all those with disabilities. It also places a duty on schools (and other organisations) to eliminate barriers to ensure that individuals can gain equal access to services Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination Race Relations(Amendment)Act 2000 Outlines the duty of organisations to promote good relationships between people from different races Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational need or a disability Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities (including schools) to provide services according to the needs of children and to ensure their safety and welfare Human Rights Act 1998 Sets out rights of all individuals and allows them to take action against authorities when their rights have been affected Children Act 2004Sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children and underpins the ive Every Child Matters outcomes Education Act 1996Sets out the school’s responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. We will write a custom essay sample on List of the Current Legislation and Codes of Practice Relating to Equality or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Act also requires schools to provide additional resources, equipment and / or additional support to meet their needs Equality Act 2010Sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies, including schools, to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This brings together nine equality laws How to cite List of the Current Legislation and Codes of Practice Relating to Equality, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Accounting Systems And Information Assurance

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Systems And Information Assurance. Answer: 1. For years know financial service providers have been innovatively introducing new instruments and methods that could enable consumers and businesses to deliver and pay their bills electronically (Kasera, 2013). Hence, it has led to the wide use of electronic bill payment (EBP), and electronic bill presentment and payment system. Therefore, I will distinguish how the two operate and the existing similarities and differences between them. In Electronic bill payment system it operates under the notion of trust and acceptance compared to the traditional settings where consumers could see the product, examine it and then pay. Here, the customer doesnt see the product at time of transaction, and the payment channel that is used is electronic. Hence, this payment system allows payment of goods and services online through use of integrated software and hardware systems. Similar to EBP system, the electronic bill presentment and payment still operates under the notion of trust and acceptance, as bills are created delivered and paid over the internet. Here, this service has applications from many industries, and financial service providers to telecommunication firm and utilities (Kasera, 2013). Looking at the similarities and differences between these two systems: Similarity Difference Electronic bill payment systems and electronic bill presentment and payments systems both work under the notion of trust and acceptance since the clients havent seen the products. In both systems bills are paid electronically via the internet. In EBPP Systems there exist some obstacles of complexity in the billing systems and process that is used by competing banks, as for EBP thats not the case (Kasera, 2013). In EBPP it tends to be expensive and risky for financial institutions because of the complexity in the systems, hence firm prefer using EBP because of its simplicity. In EBPP systems users ability to adapt is low, but for EBP systems their adaptability is high. Still on EBPP, the biller is supposed to develop and in-house EBPP solution for successful usage of the system, but for EBP the billers only require a credit card to clear their bills. 2. In reviewing what the university database contains, I have been able to identify that one transitive dependency which is; instructor number relies of course number, whereas course number relies on course title, and course title relies on students. To effectively analyze the logic underlying in the table and how the university works based on third normal form. First, observations made shows that they have broken the transitive dependencies on the entity diagram. It was okay that the instructor number relied on the course number, but through the use of third normal form breaking of the instructor number to become a foreign key is quite significant for the entity diagram. The instructor number can still remain in the university table database. Hence, the designation of a foreign key by the university still satisfies the third normal form. In a way that there is a relation between the instructor number and name. In undertaking such a step, the university has successfully eliminated the updates anomaly. To better visualize this here is the new course title, instructor number and name tables with data. Course Title Instructor number Instructor name Financial Modeling 1 AARON Accounting information systems 2 KARIN Accounting information systems 5 PAUL Environment accounting 3 HELEN Know the course title instructor number isnt dependent on the course title. Therefore, they two dont rely on each other form values. Their only dependency is only on the primary key (Sampson, 2015). Hence, the entity diagram is quite proficient since it satisfies the requirements of third normal form. In most practical sense this tends to be usually sufficient, but other cases may require further data modeling refinements. 3.Observations done suggest that organizations establish entities for different purposes such as taxes. According to (Dibble, 2010) definition externally entities are the stakeholders who arent found within a business itself, but it cares and is affected by its performance. A good example in our case would include the students. On the other hand, internal entities are those entities found or are affected within the organization. To justify, the correctness of my colleague I will provide the need of having internal entities in and external entities out. The reason as to why internal entities are supposed to be in is for the purpose on management, employee and owners effective analysis (Dibble, 2010). For instance, managers can analyze the organization performance and positions, and effective measures to improve the company results based on internal entities, while on the external environment investors use the external entities to assess the feasibility of them investing in any institution. Therefore, my colleague was correct based on the above discussion that there is need of differentiation. References Kasera, A. (2013).Electronic payment systems. New Delhi, Random Publications. Dibble, R. (2010).Collaboration for the common good an examination of internal and external adjustment. Irvine, Calif, University of California, Irvine. https://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=2065696381sid=21Fmt=2clientId=48051RQT=309VName=PQD. Sampson, A. (2015).Generic Design and Modeling Databases: Third Normal Form. https://www.books24x7.com/marc.asp?bookid=94564.